Some years ago when Zend was acquired by Rogue Wave I was openly scared for the future of PHP. I learned from that.
I decided to start fresh so I launched my Parallels and installed a fresh Debian VM to check Zend Server out on. After running through the Debian installation I was ready to start the work. I was happily surprised to read on the download page that Zend was now offering a Debian repository so I…
The problem I was stumped on friday was stupid enough. We have a form builder using Zend_Form that builds a form based on external XML input. In certain situations, a form field needs to have an associated link with it. I was quickly told by the friendly people in #php_bnl on that I needed…
Ibuildings is a very professional company, with an enormous amount of high quality developers with the right mindset. I can not think of another company in The Netherlands (and probably also the UK) that has such a wonderful team of people. Great, skilled developers, consultants, project managers. Our partnership with Zend supports the claim that…
I have already tried Zend Studio for Eclipse when it was still called Neon, which was the public beta of this software. I was not impressed. Aside from the fact that it was built on a platform I was far from a fan of, some key features were not yet working, things like code hinting…
I was not really nervous before the exam, but for some reason during the exam the nerves played up anyway. This wasn’t really triggered by the questions though, because even though they were sometimes quite tricky and required reading over them two or three times to ensure you’ve understood things correctly, mostly it was common…
I guess I don’t really have to explain what JobQueue does, as the name basically says it all: Using this, you can queue jobs that need to be performed. I usually use cronjobs for this, but that is especially useful for jobs that you know will need to be done. If you want to dynamically…
One of the things I’ve been trying to accomplish while working for Dutch Open Projects is to get all our developers Zend Certified. Today, we put the first real step on the road to this goal for the first three developers by getting the nicely priced bundle for three of our developers: Two juniors and…
In response to Greg’s post (as I can not seem to comment to his message), and because I think this information is useful: Ive recently tried to install my version 4 ZDE to my new workstation, an AMD64 machine, and ran into the same problem. I found a URL with a solution, though for a…