Tag: zend framework

  • The history While being at php|tek I got invited to a meeting initiated by the PEAR people on frameworks, and more specifically naming conventions for PHP5.3. Even though I have no official role in the symfony project, I decided to accept because the purpose of the meeting seemed good and if I could somehow contribute…

  • TestFest is back!

    In the Netherlands, this year’s TestFest instance is in Utrecht at the Hogeschool Domstad. We have the pleasure of having Pierre Joye over to the Netherlands to mentor the TestFest (thanks to Microsoft for supporting us in this). Pierre will, together with all attendees, go through the steps of how to write tests and then…

  • The day started very early with me picking up our speaker Jurrien in Leusden. After that we drove to Utrecht to pick up Petra, a friend of mine who was also joining the BugHuntDay. We drove to Roosendaal and arrived at Hotel de Goderie. We set up our stuff and started welcoming the first visitors.…

  • Where the PHP TestFest focussed on writing tests (in that case for PHP itself), the BugHuntDay will focus on one specific project. More specifically, it is focussing on open bugs for the project, and fixing those bugs. By fixing those bugs, the project will be more stable and that will in turn help both the…

  • The problem I was stumped on friday was stupid enough. We have a form builder using Zend_Form that builds a form based on external XML input. In certain situations, a form field needs to have an associated link with it. I was quickly told by the friendly people in #php_bnl on irc.freenode.net that I needed…

  • Now it’s for real

    My initial implementation of Zend_Http_Client_Adapter_Curl has just been committed! Where before I only committed some small fixes to Zend_Http_Client_Adapter_Socket, now I’ve actually committed a real contribution in the form of real, new, self-written code. Yay! 🙂

  • Today, I have done my first code commit to the Zend Framework. I recently joined Shahar in the development of the Zend_Http_Client component. The first commit is nothing spectacular, just a bugfix in the existing code. My first “real” commit, with code I’ve actually written myself, will follow shortly, when I finish Zend_Http_Client_Adapter_Curl, the Curl…

  • My second article for A/R/T is online! Application-level Logging with the Zend Framework is, as the title already notes, an article about application level logging. The Zend Framework comes in mainly at the end, where I use some examples to show how the actual logging works.

  • I’m currently in the process of rewriting an old site from scratch. The only thing that will stay the same (well, the same, it will be extended probably, but the current structure will stay) is the database. I’ve chosen to keep the database the same to at least keep away from a painless database migration…

  • While the Zend Framework is still in an early state, I’ve been working on a site based on the Zend Framework. I’m extending the framework with my own logic, and so far I like what I see. Using the PDO database interface, the Zend base class for loading classes and interfaces, Zend_Filter_Input for input filtering,…