Tag: trac

  • Issue tracking: two words with a very wide definition. It’s tracking issues found by development: Those things that you still need to improve or those bugs that you found yourself and still need to fix. Or even your TODO list, depending on your way of working. Then there’s the issues that testing finds in your…

  • Now that I have Trac working on DreamHost, I want to also get the trac-post-commit-hook working, so that commits will automatically show up in Trac. Using the default instructions unfortunately does not work fully, since the installation by DreamTracInstall which I wrote about earlier does some specific things (like installing a completely new Python environment)…

  • Trac on DreamHost: Perfect

    Installing Trac has been described as “hell”, “horrendous”, and other such wonderfully positive words. Especially on DreamHost, as I’ve understood from some people. But one of the best things of DreamHost is their community. DreamHost manages an extensive wiki, full of useful information, for instance on the topic of installing Trac. But aside from information,…