Tag: tomtom

  • Programmer’s pride

    Here’s some Programmer’s Pride for you. As of today, I have been one of the main developers of a system that is used by more than 1 million users worldwide. Now, that is what I call cool. TomTom HOME is a desktop application that talks with the TomTom servers to fetch updates and information (using…

  • TomTom HOME

    I’ve been a bit busy lately, so I nearly forgot to announce that finally, TomTom HOME is now available! The software that, together with my colleagues, I’ve been working on for the past months (I’ve done the server component with some of my colleagues from the PLUS department) is now available as a free download.…

  • We’re live!

    Well, live … slowly going live. The project I’ve been working on for the past months, the server side of TomTom HOME, is now available to the public. At the moment, only people who have bought one of the new TomTom devices (the GO510, GO710 and GO910) can upgrade their TomTom HOME to the new…