Tag: technology

  • Secure Linux

    I am not even halfway the article, but I’m already quite impressed with it. This article gives a really good overview of things you can do to secure your linux computers from those evil crackers (not hackers!) that try to get into your system to use it for all kinds of malicious stuff.

  • CSS List Splitting

    Everyone who works with web techniques (specifically markup) and their grandma of course knows about and probably also reads A List Apart. I am definately one of those. Yesterday, a very interesting article was published on splitting up ordered or unordered lists in a semantically correct way using XHTML and CSS. In CSS Swag: Multi-Column…

  • Earlier on, I posted about the Firefox 1.5 beta, and my main problem being that most of my extensions didn’t work with this beta. Luckily, thanks to Dominik, I now know about the Nightly Tester Tools, an extension which will re-enable all your extensions. Works like a charm! I’m now happily surfing with Firefox 1.5…

  • Firefox 1.5, the first beta

    Well, I’ve upgraded recently to the first beta of Firefox’ new version 1.5. So far, I seem to notice little difference (which is a good thing and a bad thing at the same time). It’s good, because that means the surfing experience of Joe Regular won’t change much. It’s bad, because that also means that…