I’ve been following this weblog for quite a while after another member of the network recommended the weblog to me. Yes, I know, it’s yet another mac user 😉 but I feel Andre knows what he’s talking about and I think his weblog will add something to the network. So please join me in welcoming…
There is one single tool that rules the world for photo management. This tool is called Picasa. Up until now, it was only available for Windows, which sucked bigtime and I definitely liked the app. Big Google rules (again!). They created a linux version! OK, not really. They made an installer that includes a specially…
It’s funny. Earlier this week I encountered this problem, and then just now, someone else writes about it. Though their problem is exactly opposite to the problem I encountered, the cause and the solution is the same. So what is the problem? In the php.ini, you can configure the session.gc_maxlifetime setting. This setting controls how…
I’ve been a bit busy lately, so I nearly forgot to announce that finally, TomTom HOME is now available! The software that, together with my colleagues, I’ve been working on for the past months (I’ve done the server component with some of my colleagues from the PLUS department) is now available as a free download.…
Maybe it’s web2.0, or maybe not. It’s a nice concept though. Zimbio allows users to create a new portal page including links, a forum, a collaborative weblog, and many more features, based on the idea that anyone can add and edit. So basically, a wiki, but with more than just the standard wiki article pages.…
While the Zend Framework is still in an early state, I’ve been working on a site based on the Zend Framework. I’m extending the framework with my own logic, and so far I like what I see. Using the PDO database interface, the Zend base class for loading classes and interfaces, Zend_Filter_Input for input filtering,…
Well! This evening I made my first commit to the Zend Framework subversion repository. I had already checked out the dutch translation of the documentation before the weekend, so my first commit immediately added quite a bit of changes into the repository. I hope people will appreciate my work. At first, I read through the…
Well, live … slowly going live. The project I’ve been working on for the past months, the server side of TomTom HOME, is now available to the public. At the moment, only people who have bought one of the new TomTom devices (the GO510, GO710 and GO910) can upgrade their TomTom HOME to the new…
There are many *nix purists that feel the root is holy. Only the basic, default directories should be located at the root. An ideal system probably looks something like this: //boot/dev/etc/home/lib/opt/proc/usr I recently encountered such a purist. He felt that adding something to the root, be it a directory or a mount, was wrong. I…
There’s lots of work and even more thinking about the Zend Framework being done. Proof of that can be found in the first Framework roundup. Interesting reading! Especially the part about Authentication and ACL caught my eye. I’ll definitely be keeping a good eye on the development in that area. The Framework is very promising.