We recently had a weird situation here at work where we needed to use the Url helper of Symfony inside the actions.class.php of a module. This helper is available in the view, but not in the actions class by default. Of course, we can include this, and this was my first approach. Simply using: include_once(‘symfony/helper/UrlHelper.php’);…
Ever since working with JIRA at TomTom, I’ve been looking for a similar tool for my various projects. I’ve found a lot of tools done in PHP, but nothing so far has been equally impressing and useful as JIRA itself. Now JIRA has an open source license, but I don’t really have an open source…
After giving it multiple quick glances, today a co-worker of mine and me sat down a full day to work through the first part of the Symfony tutorial in an attempt to learn to work with Symfony. The tutorials are meant to take about one hour each, and that is a good approximate. After some…
Spam is a big problem, and everyone knows it. Not just the spam you get in your e-mail, these days spammers also write bots to find discussion forums and post their spam there. Quite some time ago the Support Team Leader of phpBB, Techie-Micheal, had an idea about this. He started developing the idea in…
Earlier this week, the biggest dutch consumer organization declared that it felt not consumers but computer producers and software developers are responsible for the safety of computers worldwide. They felt virusscan programs, software writers and computer manufacturers should do more to prevent viruses. Basically, their statement said “people don’t know how to handle computers, so…
Ken has a lot of ideas. He has 59 ideas, and seemingly just as many weblogs. Well, not really, but he has quite a list of weblogs on various topics. I am subscribed to quite a few of his weblogs by RSS, and enjoy reading just about everything. One weblog especially always has my interest,…
My initial implementation of Zend_Http_Client_Adapter_Curl has just been committed! Where before I only committed some small fixes to Zend_Http_Client_Adapter_Socket, now I’ve actually committed a real contribution in the form of real, new, self-written code. Yay! 🙂
Today, I have done my first code commit to the Zend Framework. I recently joined Shahar in the development of the Zend_Http_Client component. The first commit is nothing spectacular, just a bugfix in the existing code. My first “real” commit, with code I’ve actually written myself, will follow shortly, when I finish Zend_Http_Client_Adapter_Curl, the Curl…
This morning, I got the shock of my life when I opened my laptop. I was surprised enough that for some reason, the laptop was turned off, I had used it 30 minutes before that moment, and had only closed the laptop. My wife had heard a weird sound but thought it came from her…
I just read on PHPDeveloper that there is a new security problem that needs urgent attention of any php developer. It’s RFI, a way for evil crackers to run their code of choice on your server, exposing such information as passwords, or even enabling them to get shell access to your system and maybe become…