I don’t know if it matters that I’m the son of two teachers, but training is in my DNA, knowledge sharing is in my DNA. From the moment I started learning PHP based on a book and scripts I downloaded from the Internet, I’ve tried to help other people who ran into issues that I…
How do you combine Symfony and DDD? I will be explaining just that in a new full-day workshop, and I’ll be doing that at SymfonyCon as well.
At SymfonyCon, after my DDD talk I talked to someone who asked about how to work with domain entities vs Doctrine entities. Let’s give it some explanation.
It’s almost time for SymfonyCon! Here’s 5 talks I’m really looking forward to.
Disney movies contain lessons. They are life lessons, but they can also be applied to your work as a developer.
Finally we can do some conferences again. PHPDay in May was already a great experience, and in the upcoming months I have two more conferences scheduled as speaker: SyliusCon and SymfonyCon.