Tag: Symfony2

  • Here’s a little detail that got me frustrated for a while. In the project I’m currently working on, we’ve decided to standardize on Yaml for the service configuration over the default XML. Since we already had a couple of bundles developed with XML, I needed to convert those configuration files to adhere to our chosen…

  • The cause As it turns out, the cause of the problem is the fact that when you specify strategy=”AUTO” for your ID-field, Doctrine2 will ignore any existing ID you’ve set in the entity. It will generate one because, well, you’ve specified it should be doing this. And usually, this is correct behaviour, but with the…

  • Googling around a bit, I found the solution which I’m going to share here with you. It involves a couple of steps. Now it should all work again. Some links I used while researching this are:

  • The IngewikkeldWrapperBundle adds a fallback route: Any URL not caught by your Symfony2 code will be forwarded to your old symfony 1 project. This allows for gradual migration to Symfony2. For an explanation of the thought behind all this, please check this post on the Leaseweb Labs blog, where I’ve guest-posted about this way of…

  • Drupal is, independant of how you measure it, the leading PHP-based CMS. Whether you look at the amount of websites using it or the size of it, Drupal rocks it all. One thing that has kept me, and I guess many others, so far from seriously working with Drupal is the lack of object orientation…

  • About Silex Silex is one of the many microframeworks we’ve seen pop up recently. Contrary to most other microframeworks, however, Silex is built on top of an existing open source project: Symfony2. A microframework is a very small framework which basically does nothing more than bootstrap and handle your request and response. Though the microframeworks…

  • It did run into some issues, some of which I couldn’t immediately fix because I was occupied by other things. Really annoying, and it made me feel guilty, not being able to fix things. I considered open sourcing the source code, but decided against it because I thought nobody was waiting for it. Until people…

  • This first session is Getting Started With Symfony2, the beginner-level training as developed by Sensio. It will get you up and running with Symfony2 in two days. This is a great training for people who have never used symfony, or for people who have experience with symfony 1.*, but want to get a good headstart…

  • Now a Sensio partner

    With this partnership, a long standing wish of mine is finally fulfilled. I’ve been wanting to offer the Sensio training portfolio on symfony and Doctrine for some time now, and am happy to be able to do this now. The current portfolio includes symfony 1.4 & doctrine but of course you can expect new Symfony2…

  • Our morning started early as we were driving down to Mainz. We arrived as the opening keynote by Zeev Suraski ended, but right in time for the first regular session. My session of choice was Ian Barber’s talk on debugging. Ian gave a good overview of tools and strategies for debugging and described some really…