Tag: symfony

  • In the interview, I talk about what I like about open source, the community, and how I feel it can impact businesses that use it. If you’re interested, go check it out.

  • So I started searching around, and quickly found the removeStylesheet() method in the sfWebResponse class. This didn’t work however, when I called this in my controller. Googling around a bit more I found this mailinglist discussion where Alexander Deruwe describes exactly what I need to do! Instead of removing it programmatically in the controller, I…

  • This first session is Getting Started With Symfony2, the beginner-level training as developed by Sensio. It will get you up and running with Symfony2 in two days. This is a great training for people who have never used symfony, or for people who have experience with symfony 1.*, but want to get a good headstart…

  • Ideas of March

    But with the growth of Twitter, Facebook and other social media, it seems many people (to some extent even me) have put blogging on the backburner. And while Twitter is a great way to quickly ask questions and get solution to problems, it doesn’t persist this knowledge for later re-use. Twitter does not keep a…

  • Step out of your comfort zone Last year you might’ve seen several blogposts here about my experience working with PHP on Windows. It was because I participated in the WinPHP Challenge, another coding contest which was organized by Microsoft Netherlands. One of the reasons I participated in this contest was because I wanted to step…

  • Would you like docs with that?

    This thursday, February 17th, I’m doing the presentation as a webinar in the Zend Webinar series. At 9AM PST (or 5PM GMT, 6PM CET) I’ll be explaining why documentation is important, and what types of documentation you can use for your project. The webinar should last for about an hour (unless there’s many questions), and…

  • Barcodes and QR codes in PHP

    Barcodes first First, let’s have a look at barcodes. For this project, I will be working on some shipping labels. Postal services can be very strict in their demands on the labels (and rightfully so), so it was a nice surprise to see that Zend_Barcode – aside from supporting the regular standards – has support…

  • Now a Sensio partner

    With this partnership, a long standing wish of mine is finally fulfilled. I’ve been wanting to offer the Sensio training portfolio on symfony and Doctrine for some time now, and am happy to be able to do this now. The current portfolio includes symfony 1.4 & doctrine but of course you can expect new Symfony2…

  • Speaking at Symfony Live 2011

    This talk is all about not using PHP. I have seen too often that developers or companies decide to use PHP for everything. And even though PHP is a very versatile language that can be used for a huge variation of things, it is not meant for all tasks. Sometimes it is better to go…

  • Our morning started early as we were driving down to Mainz. We arrived as the opening keynote by Zeev Suraski ended, but right in time for the first regular session. My session of choice was Ian Barber’s talk on debugging. Ian gave a good overview of tools and strategies for debugging and described some really…