Tag: symfony

  • Deployment as it should be

    Most web developers have a lot of focus for writing quality applications. They ensure their markup and style is displaying correctly in multiple browsers, and they focus on their code, some even write unit tests and functional tests 😉 Additional measures are having seperate development, test, staging and production servers. Having seperate test teams. Have…

  • Steer CMS

    Since I am working on quite some sites for myself, I was quite interested when I read the Steer CMS announcement on the symfony-users mailinglist. I took some time to evaluate it, specifically for symfony-framework.nl . And even though I decided against migrating to Steer CMS, I am still mighty impressed by the work the…

  • It actually is a very fun thing to do, so if you have a topic you can tell the world about, you really should contact Cal (info on this page). Anyway, back to my podcast. I am introducing symfony with this podcast, so I give a basic overview of some of it’s features and characteristics.…

  • The status of Symfony 1.1

    Symfony 1.1 is a (long-awaited?) new version of symfony that is under development for quite some time already. It is a first step towards a simpler, lighter and more flexible symfony 2.0 which is meant to be more explicit, and contain less “magic”. Even though the biggest parts of the development work on symfony 1.1…

  • Symfony sprint

    When I first read the information on the sprint, I was a bit disappointed that it was happening on a weekday. I wanted to be part of the sprint, but it’s workday… but then I thought: what the heck, I’ll just e-mail my boss to see if I can simply spend my workday on this!…

  • I present to you: The Symfony Lounge, a place to hang out for symfony enthousiasts, and also a place to get information on symfony for those that dont know it yet. In the future, we even want to start hosting presentations on symfony in our Symfony Lounge. So let me introduce to you, the Symfony…

  • As you can see, I’ve created a tag cloud implementation here on my website. For this, I actually started writing a plugin, and I’m actually still working with that one here. But since the functionality was already implemented in another plugin as well, after a short discussion it was decided that my more limited implementation…

  • It’s not that Textpattern is bad or anything, but it just doesn’t use the coding structure that I like and am used to, and so adapting it to my wishes was a bit hard. And since finding out about symfony, the problem maintaining software is gone, since at least in my experience maintaining a symfony…

  • Mijn eerste project

    In a terrible spur of symfony community productivity, I just also finished the dutch translation of the My First Project tutorial for symfony. For people looking to get introduced to symfony, this is probably the best starting point. After that, Askeet will get you more in-depth into the framework, but the one-hour tutorial is the…

  • Ever since I came in touch with the symfony framework I’ve been wildly enthousiastic about it. I’ve been preaching symfony since I got to know it. I’ve started translating the documentation to dutch, and really want to promote it in the Netherlands. To support that effort, I’ve just launched the first beta of Symfony-framework.nl, a…