Tag: phpbenelux

  • The DPC Uncon

    The DPC Uncon is very similar to the uncons found at other PHP conferences. There is little new about this uncon. However, it is a new addition to a conference with such a list of advanced topics that there is no doubt the uncon will also host a variety of interesting topics for people visiting…

  • I think the idea started years ago. In the orinal Dutch PHP usergroup, we discussed it, but we never did it. Lack of manpower to pull it off, but I guess also a lack of willpower to want to pull it off. About 1.5 years ago, PHPBelgium truely kicked off and since they were already…

  • PHPBenelux Conference 2010

    This is the first time we’re doing a conference of this size, but definitely not the last time. And it’s exciting already. We have already announced our first speaker: David Zuelke will be speaking about the state of SOAP in PHP. Aside from that, we have 9 other excellent speakers that will be announced in…

  • Since I start early at work I usually can leave early which I liked in this case because that would allow me to meet Michelangelo for some short dinner in Tilburg before the meeting started. Traffic hated me though, so I was quite late and had to cancel our dinner plans. It was a shame,…

  • Holiday is over

    Meeting HouthalenThe first meeting was wednesday night in Houthalen, Belgium. This was a regular user group meeting such as we organize once a month. It took place in Houthalen in the office of Inventis. And what a night it was! A lot of people were there (over 50 attendees) and after everyone had a drink…

  • The first meeting is on august 26th in Houthalen in Belgium. It’s the regular phpBenelux meeting for Belgium, which will take place at the offices of Inventis. There’s two speaker slots, one of which is confirmed already and will be filled by Andries Seutens. He will be talking about Design Patterns. Of course, there will…

  • In the past years, many of the big companies have been moving into the PHP space. One of the last but ever since starting the movement also one of the most active is in the PHP space is Microsoft. In less than 2 years time, Microsoft has been moving from the big evil closed-source empire…