Tag: php

  • Just over a week ago I wanted to publish my previous blogpost, only to find out that the Gist plugin I was using for the code samples didn’t work anymore. Some research showed me that the something changed in the way the Gist API worked that warranted an upgrade of the plugin. So I thought…

  • A friend recently asked me if I could make a simple website for the new radiostation he was joining as a DJ. My usual job is big applications and web projects, so (while this may sound weird) a simple website is actually something I’m not that efficient in, but since finding Bolt I actually do…

  • PHP NorthWest 2015

    As you may not have noticed already, I have been accepted to do the closing keynote at the fantastic PHP NorthWest 2015 conference. I am really happy to have been accepted, as this keynote is a personal message from me that I think is important to communicate. In my keynote “Developers Are Just Like Humans”…

  • WeCamp Day 5

    I still owe you one day, so here it is. This blogpost came a bit late because as day 5 ended we still needed to get the island back into its regular state, get speakers back to the airport etc. Enough excuses… here’s day 5. The last day of WeCamp 2015 was an exciting day.…

  • WeCamp Day 4

    In terms of working, day 4 was actually only half a day. But since the last day of WeCamp would also just be half a day, some work had to be done. The team focussed on finishing their MVP and ended up actually finishing this as well! A great accomplishment for a team that, 4…

  • WeCamp Day 3

    Day 3 brought change. As I mentioned yesterday some of the personal goals that were set during the individual conversations with my team members affected the work we were doing. This meant, for instance, that Jasper took a more leading role within the team, and Kanban was being implemented for a better view on our…

  • WeCamp Day 2

    Yesterday was day 2 of WeCamp and it was an interesting day. While gathering requirements in day 1 we created two *spikes*, topics to research to find out if we could actually do what we assumed we could. So in the morning, two people started on the research, while two other team members started on setting…

  • WeCamp Day 1

    As we just started day 2 of WeCamp I’m reflecting back on the first day of the event. As I am being a coach this year, things are very different from last year for me. I’m hoping to have enough time to publish some notes and obversations every day. Being a coach Getting a team…

  • One of the topics in The Art of Asking that I think more developers should be aware of is that you need to do what you need to do to do your thing. This sounds vague, but it is true. In the book, Amanda Palmer uses several examples of how this works for artists, but…

  • The Judge

    Sometimes it feels like we are in a constant courtroom: We, all of us, constantly judge other people. And I mean, constantly. The person you see on TV, the person that walks by you on the street, the person that comes to your door when you get a delivery. The judging can be based on…