Tag: php

  • Cancelling WeCamp 2020

    Cancelling WeCamp 2020

    We’ve had to cancel WeCamp this year due to COVID-19, but we’re replacing it with something else

  • PHP and the DigitalOcean MySQL cluster

    One of the weak points in our Rancher 1 cluster has always been the database. Because databases and docker (due to the persistence issues) has always been an issue, we solved that by installing a MySQL server on the same droplet that our Rancher server was running on. While it worked fine, it was always…

  • So here’s one of those things that I need to document, or I’ll forget. One of those blogposts that I’ll find through a search engine in a year 😉 A project I’m working on is using Symfony with Encore, and while running Encore I kept getting some weird errors that javascript couldn’t find a file…

  • The Next Step

    It’s almost 9 years since we started Ingewikkeld, and things will be changing a bit this year. This is the first visible change…

  • Surface Book 2 for development

    For quite some time I’ve been considering moving away from the MacBook Pro. For quite some time I had no idea what my next machine was going to be, until I first saw the Surface Book 2. This is my review based on nearly 2 months of full-time use of the Surface Book 2 for…

  • Installing Bolt extensions on Docker

    I’m currently working on a website with the Bolt CMS. I am using an extension for that site, but since Bolt is using composer under the hood to install those and the extension is installed in vendor/, when I deploy this to production, I’m missing the extension. The solution was simple.

  • A rant about best practices

    At PHPAmersfoort I did a lightning talk about programming best practices. Well, talk, it was a bit of a rant. In this blogpost I try to summarize what I ranted about.

  • Code Kata Day

    Code katas are a great way to practice your programming skills, but usually you do so in the language of your own choice. DomCode, the polyglot user group in Utrecht, organized an event to break that habit.

  • Silent is (almost) dead, long live my-lex

    Silex has been announced as reaching EOL in 2018. What is Silex, and what does this announcement mean?

  • One year without -m

    One year without -m

    One year ago I blogged about stopping my usage of the -m operator when using Git. I’m now reviewing how this has changed my usage of Git.