Every single programmer must have had this problem at least once. You have unexpected behaviour and can’t find where the problem occurs. Finally, after a lot of searching, you find the problem in an if-condition. Instead of using ==, you used =. Stupid! Sean Coates posts about a nifty little trick to prevent this. Instead…
I was quite surprised when I saw the Changelog for the release of PHP 5.1.1. Especially one specific entry immediately caught my eye: Native date class is withdrawn to prevent namespace conflict with PEAR’s date package. This is quite a questionable decision, if you ask me. They have altered the programming language to fit an…
The following is a reply I wrote to an article by Filip de Waard. Unfortunately, commenting was turned off on his weblog, so I could not comment on his weblog. Here is my comment: buggy PHP scripts like PhpBB Of course, being part of the phpBB team, I want to respond to this. Though I…
After playing with it for a while, I actually had some work this week which would be a good project for using PHP5’s simpleXML functionality. I had to work with an existing standard which I had no control over, and which proved to become a bane of my existence though. The main problem of this…