Friday and Saturday the dutch Joomla!Days are happening in Den Bosch. As a company that does a lot with and owes a lot to Joomla! my employer is one of the main sponsors of this event, and most of the employees will be attending the conference. We will even have a stand there! There are…
We recently had a weird situation here at work where we needed to use the Url helper of Symfony inside the actions.class.php of a module. This helper is available in the view, but not in the actions class by default. Of course, we can include this, and this was my first approach. Simply using: include_once(‘symfony/helper/UrlHelper.php’);…
After giving it multiple quick glances, today a co-worker of mine and me sat down a full day to work through the first part of the Symfony tutorial in an attempt to learn to work with Symfony. The tutorials are meant to take about one hour each, and that is a good approximate. After some…
My initial implementation of Zend_Http_Client_Adapter_Curl has just been committed! Where before I only committed some small fixes to Zend_Http_Client_Adapter_Socket, now I’ve actually committed a real contribution in the form of real, new, self-written code. Yay! 🙂
Today, I have done my first code commit to the Zend Framework. I recently joined Shahar in the development of the Zend_Http_Client component. The first commit is nothing spectacular, just a bugfix in the existing code. My first “real” commit, with code I’ve actually written myself, will follow shortly, when I finish Zend_Http_Client_Adapter_Curl, the Curl…
I just read on PHPDeveloper that there is a new security problem that needs urgent attention of any php developer. It’s RFI, a way for evil crackers to run their code of choice on your server, exposing such information as passwords, or even enabling them to get shell access to your system and maybe become…
Standardization. This is one of the things where PHP still falls behind, big time. In a recent thread on the Zend Framework general mailinglist, this topic was touched in an informal proposal to get a module in the framework for Portlets. In this thread, a reference was made to a Java specification (JSR). This is…
It’s funny. Earlier this week I encountered this problem, and then just now, someone else writes about it. Though their problem is exactly opposite to the problem I encountered, the cause and the solution is the same. So what is the problem? In the php.ini, you can configure the session.gc_maxlifetime setting. This setting controls how…
I’m currently in the process of rewriting an old site from scratch. The only thing that will stay the same (well, the same, it will be extended probably, but the current structure will stay) is the database. I’ve chosen to keep the database the same to at least keep away from a painless database migration…