Tag: php

  • What is the problem?

    What is the problem?

    Sometimes, taking a step back is the best solution. Especially when you are stuck. Here’s some experiences of what can help when stuck on some code.

  • September 2023 conferences

    While it’s currently still vacation time, I’m looking forward to September. These are the conferences where you can run into me.

  • What developers look for when reading a job opening

    In the current job market it’s hard to find (good) developers. Let’s look at some things developers love to see in your vacancy text that will improve your chances of finding a new developer.

  • Keep your software up-to-date

    PHP and the PHP ecosystem is constantly moving forward. This is something that you should also constantly pay attention to. Because a small step is easier than a big leap.

  • New conferences for 2023

    My schedule is beginning to fill up so I wanted to announce my speaking at DrupalJam in Utrecht, TechTuesday XXL in Tilburg and API Platform Con in Lille.

  • Testing: Do it with your customer

    While automated testing is important and manual testing by the developer is essential, let’s not forget the joy and importance of testing with your customer

  • On-boarding done right

    On-boarding done right

    Every start is important, but especially when you start a new project or a new job. Time to look at what we can do to make on-boarding a success.

  • 7 Lessons You Can Learn From Disney Movies

    Disney movies contain lessons. They are life lessons, but they can also be applied to your work as a developer.

  • Finally, time for new conferences

    Finally we can do some conferences again. PHPDay in May was already a great experience, and in the upcoming months I have two more conferences scheduled as speaker: SyliusCon and SymfonyCon.

  • The train experiment

    Environmental change is real, and human impact on that is big. So we really need to change. For PHPDay this year, I did an experiment. The experiment succeeded in that I have come to a conclusion. But it isn’t that positive.