Tag: php

  • Since starting to work on a Mac, and be able to use iTunes, I finally found a good application to actually subscribe to podcasts, and since I’m deep into PHP, PHP Abstract sounded like a logical step to try. I really like it! 🙂 Funny enough though, of all the episodes, I’ve listened to so…

  • Zend Platform JobQueue

    I guess I don’t really have to explain what JobQueue does, as the name basically says it all: Using this, you can queue jobs that need to be performed. I usually use cronjobs for this, but that is especially useful for jobs that you know will need to be done. If you want to dynamically…

  • Mijn eerste project

    In a terrible spur of symfony community productivity, I just also finished the dutch translation of the My First Project tutorial for symfony. For people looking to get introduced to symfony, this is probably the best starting point. After that, Askeet will get you more in-depth into the framework, but the one-hour tutorial is the…

  • Ever since I came in touch with the symfony framework I’ve been wildly enthousiastic about it. I’ve been preaching symfony since I got to know it. I’ve started translating the documentation to dutch, and really want to promote it in the Netherlands. To support that effort, I’ve just launched the first beta of Symfony-framework.nl, a…

  • Changing jobs

    Ivo Jansch from Ibuildings and I have had contact over the years, and I think he mentioned a few times over those years already that he was interested in getting me aboard at Ibuildings. Every time I said no, mainly because the travel time to Vlissingen or Sittard is way too long. My response to…

  • Last week, I automatically updated my PHP installation to the latest version dotdeb was offering me (which usually poses no problems). However, this time around I ended up with two problems: * Most of my models started throwing errors: Error populating ”x” object [wrapped: Unable to convert value at column ”x” to timestamp: 0000-00-00] (or 0000-00-00…

  • In the past few days I’ve read quite a few weblog posts on language x vs language y and most of the posts were somewhat ranting or flaming against the language not of the author’s choice. Quite a few were triggered by the fact that Derek Sivers moved back to PHP from Ruby on Rails.…

  • Agile PHP: How do we do it?

    Since a few weeks we’ve really truely implemented some agile methods in our biggest project (Jongeren in Beeld). Since others may benefit from knowing how we have approached this, I want to share our implementation of the agile approach of software development in a PHP project with the world. First of all, I actually wrote…

  • When we did the PHP Bootcamp in June of this year, it was an unexpected success. The PHP-wide one-day event on PHP Frameworks attracted about 35 visitors, and everybody was really happy about the event. The idea of SymfonyCamp had come up even before that, but after the success of the PHP Bootcamp we decided…

  • For a client, I had to present a bunch of select boxes where users could select a genre, then a sub-genre based on your genre of choice, then a second level of sub-genres based on the selected sub-genre. My first choice was to use the symfony AJAX options, and updating the sub-genre select box with…