Tag: pfcongres

  • Support the global community

    This is the reason I give to charity a lot. But since 2008, I also support entrepreneurs worldwide by micro-financing loans they need for starting or expanding their business. I’ve been doing this through Kiva. Looking at my stats, since 2008 I’ve made 11 loans to a variety of countries (Cambodia, Senegal, Philippines, Paraguay, Ukraine,…

  • PFCongres Earlier in the year I stepped back from PHPBenelux and joined the ranks of the PFZ.nl event team. Of course, with PHPBenelux we just had our annual conference, so I was already involved in organizing one, but PFZ.nl did not yet have theirs. That one is now scheduled for September 17. I am not…

  • CfP Mania

    The first conference I want to point you guys to is PFCongres. PFCongres is organized by Dutch PHP and web development community PFZ, in which I recently became an active member by joining their events committee. The PFCongres will take place on Saturday September 17th in The Netherlands, and I would highly recommend submitting to…

  • In the past years the event has been amazing and I have a full trust that this year won’t be any different. With speakers such as Paul Borgermans, Mike van Riel, Christian Heilmann, Jan-Willem Eshuis, Mihai Corlan, Harrie Verveer, Bram Veenhof and many more on topics such as Database Control, Scrum, Flex, Dependency Injection and…