Purpose of the Center of Expertise will be, and I will quote the announcement, amongst others: This is a step not a lot of commercial organizations dare to make, and I am very proud to be working for one of the companies that has the balls to do it. Sure, there’s commercial stuff in there,…
The Zemanta API is quite a simple API at this point, but it works nicely. To give some background, you feed the API with a text, Zemanta analyses this text, and offers links, images and tags as a suggestion for usage with the text. Excellent for weblogs and magazines looking to enrich their content. The…
Since I am working on quite some sites for myself, I was quite interested when I read the Steer CMS announcement on the symfony-users mailinglist. I took some time to evaluate it, specifically for symfony-framework.nl . And even though I decided against migrating to Steer CMS, I am still mighty impressed by the work the…
In the period of a few hours yesterday, three new PHP frameworks were announced on Planet PHP and PHPDeveloper. It was really something I noticed, that this happened in such a short timespan. I was clearly not the only one who noticed. Andrei and Clay also noticed and wrote about it in pretty clear words.…
Friday and Saturday the dutch Joomla!Days are happening in Den Bosch. As a company that does a lot with and owes a lot to Joomla! my employer is one of the main sponsors of this event, and most of the employees will be attending the conference. We will even have a stand there! There are…
My initial implementation of Zend_Http_Client_Adapter_Curl has just been committed! Where before I only committed some small fixes to Zend_Http_Client_Adapter_Socket, now I’ve actually committed a real contribution in the form of real, new, self-written code. Yay! 🙂
Today, I have done my first code commit to the Zend Framework. I recently joined Shahar in the development of the Zend_Http_Client component. The first commit is nothing spectacular, just a bugfix in the existing code. My first “real” commit, with code I’ve actually written myself, will follow shortly, when I finish Zend_Http_Client_Adapter_Curl, the Curl…