Tag: opensource

  • In the blogpost I write about making the choice between using standard open source software and components on the one hand, and building your own on the other hand. It is a description of how we do things at Ibuildings and will hopefully help others in making this tough decision at the start of any…

  • Center of Expertise

    Purpose of the Center of Expertise will be, and I will quote the announcement, amongst others: This is a step not a lot of commercial organizations dare to make, and I am very proud to be working for one of the companies that has the balls to do it. Sure, there’s commercial stuff in there,…

  • The Zemanta API is quite a simple API at this point, but it works nicely. To give some background, you feed the API with a text, Zemanta analyses this text, and offers links, images and tags as a suggestion for usage with the text. Excellent for weblogs and magazines looking to enrich their content. The…

  • Steer CMS

    Since I am working on quite some sites for myself, I was quite interested when I read the Steer CMS announcement on the symfony-users mailinglist. I took some time to evaluate it, specifically for symfony-framework.nl . And even though I decided against migrating to Steer CMS, I am still mighty impressed by the work the…

  • Trouble in paradise

    In the period of a few hours yesterday, three new PHP frameworks were announced on Planet PHP and PHPDeveloper. It was really something I noticed, that this happened in such a short timespan. I was clearly not the only one who noticed. Andrei and Clay also noticed and wrote about it in pretty clear words.…

  • Joomla!Days ahead

    Friday and Saturday the dutch Joomla!Days are happening in Den Bosch. As a company that does a lot with and owes a lot to Joomla! my employer is one of the main sponsors of this event, and most of the employees will be attending the conference. We will even have a stand there! There are…

  • Now it’s for real

    My initial implementation of Zend_Http_Client_Adapter_Curl has just been committed! Where before I only committed some small fixes to Zend_Http_Client_Adapter_Socket, now I’ve actually committed a real contribution in the form of real, new, self-written code. Yay! 🙂

  • Today, I have done my first code commit to the Zend Framework. I recently joined Shahar in the development of the Zend_Http_Client component. The first commit is nothing spectacular, just a bugfix in the existing code. My first “real” commit, with code I’ve actually written myself, will follow shortly, when I finish Zend_Http_Client_Adapter_Curl, the Curl…