Tag: meta

  • In the interview, I talk about what I like about open source, the community, and how I feel it can impact businesses that use it. If you’re interested, go check it out.

  • Interviewed by DevExp.eu

    The questions range from projects to how I got to where I am today. So do check out the interview. It seems the guys of DevExp are working on getting more interviews up on their site in the coming period, so add their feed to your reader ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Refactor your TechPortal

    The article has a close relation with my Power of Refactoring talk as it has been given a few times already, and as it will be given again in a few weeks time over at php|tek.

  • In the blogpost I write about making the choice between using standard open source software and components on the one hand, and building your own on the other hand. It is a description of how we do things at Ibuildings and will hopefully help others in making this tough decision at the start of any…

  • Symfony 1.1 highlights

    It’s not a full list and does not pretend to be. It is simply my view on why symfony 1.1 is a great successor to symfony 1.0. Read here.

  • The Power of Refactoring hopes to give some insight into why refactoring is actually a very good idea. Feedback is always welcome, either here or in the comments of the actual blog post.

  • Backwards compatibility

    In the article, which I recommend to every developer and especially those involved in Open Source projects, he covers the ground of why backwards compatibility can be important, why it is caused, and how to deal with it. He handles several methods of how to deal with backwards compatibility, listing pro’s and cons of that…

  • My second article for A/R/T is online! Application-level Logging with the Zend Framework is, as the title already notes, an article about application level logging. The Zend Framework comes in mainly at the end, where I use some examples to show how the actual logging works.

  • My A/R/T

    Well, it seems I’m an A/R/T-ist now. After the earlier call for writers, I sent the nice people at PHP|Architect an e-mail telling them I was interested in writing an occasional article for them. Today, my first article in what is meant to be a monthly series of articles covering a variety of topics related…

  • Real-time release notes

    As you all may know, every once in a while I publish an article somewhere else than on this site ๐Ÿ˜‰ Today my article on using the mobile phone as a tool for BookCrossing was published on the BookCrossing website. For those interested in BookCrossing, feel free to check it out ๐Ÿ™‚