Tag: leftontheweb

  • Hey, what’s this?

    You might notice that something has changed here. Actually, quite a lot has changed. I’ve moved from Pivot to Textpattern, and in the process I obviously also moved to a whole different design. I’m now using the default installation of Green Marinee, though I am planning on changing some stuff in the near future to…

  • Stress

    I’m currently a bit stressed out. Trouble with a client while nearing the end of a project, no fun at all. I’ve had little time for fun. I’ve done some digging and I suspect this site will soon be “re-done”. I have made the decision to move away from Pivot and towards Textpattern. Different reasons…

  • Antitrust

    Last weekend, I was just zapping around TV channels when all of a sudden I came by the opening credits of a movie. Now this happens often of course, but this caught my attention: The opening credits were surrounded by HTML tags! It happened to be the opening credits to Antitrust, which ended up being…

  • WikkaWiki

    For a while, I’ve been looking at several implementations of Wiki software. MediaWiki is nice, but very heavy on the server. Not weird, considering the software is loaded with features. Of course, a lot of those features are hardly needed, so I chose to stay away from MediaWiki. After trying various other Wiki implementations, I…

  • Gideon Marken is a very cool guy. He is the person behind the fabulous ArtistServer, and a very experienced web developer. It was Gideon who made a weblog post yesterday that found me intrigued. This was a way to look at Open Source that I’d never before seen.Those little 4-6yr old minds are always hearing…

  • MySQL weirdness

    I’m currently working with extending an existing application, so I’m working with a database someone else designed. Not a problem usually, except for the fact that this person chose to use the TIMESTAMP fieldtype, which I usually don’t use. Now, when I think of a timestamp, I automatically think of a Unix Timestamp, which is…

  • Being involved in some forum software myself, I’m always interested in reading what people have to say about related topics. Venturus published an article on how to build a popular forum community, which contains some useful tips. I don’t agree with everything said, but there are definately some valid points in this article. Basically, I…

  • According to this article on BBC, people who get the most of their music through file sharing, are also the biggest spenders when it comes to buying legal music online. This basically means that the music industry is starting to sue their best clients. In what kind of world are we living then? Again, I…

  • PostCrossing

    After BookCrossing, now there is PostCrossing. A nice way to receive a random postcard from all over the world every once in a while. Pretty fun, if you ask me. It doesn’t cost much (I mean, how much does it cost to send a postcard? Not a lot eh?) and it brings some fun when…

  • London again

    It’s all over the Internet by now. More explosions in the London tube. I was not planning on giving it any attention, until coming by this Flickr picture. The picture itself isn’t what caught my attention, but the text with the picture is definately worth a mention. I think it gives a good insight on…