Tag: jobs

  • What developers look for when reading a job opening

    In the current job market it’s hard to find (good) developers. Let’s look at some things developers love to see in your vacancy text that will improve your chances of finding a new developer.

  • First workday, a long day

    I only got back home at about 8PM, but that was because I had a car on my way back and was somehow able to avoid all traffic jams. I must’ve had some kind of lucky trip today. Let’s hope this continues for the coming two weeks or so that I will actually be working…

  • Changing jobs

    Ivo Jansch from Ibuildings and I have had contact over the years, and I think he mentioned a few times over those years already that he was interested in getting me aboard at Ibuildings. Every time I said no, mainly because the travel time to Vlissingen or Sittard is way too long. My response to…