Tag: frameworks

  • Keep your software up-to-date

    PHP and the PHP ecosystem is constantly moving forward. This is something that you should also constantly pay attention to. Because a small step is easier than a big leap.

  • A rant about best practices

    At PHPAmersfoort I did a lightning talk about programming best practices. Well, talk, it was a bit of a rant. In this blogpost I try to summarize what I ranted about.

  • Prototyping your experience

    Whether in a professional environment or in private, prototyping (or making a proof of concept) is a useful tool. It is something people underestimate though. Frequently I hear people thinking the time spent on a prototype or proof of concept is a waste of time. NO, IT ISN’T Just this morning, I was reading this…

  • SymfonyDay is becoming a nice traditional, even though it’s only going into it’s second year this year. With an impressive schedule it’s going to be an information-filled day for the attendees. Just like last year, I’ll be doing a workshop this year. This unfortunately means I will be missing the main conference track again which…

  • PHPNW09: Nearly perfect

    I arrived on friday night and was picked up by Bittarman from the airport. He brought me to the speakers dinner where I joined for a very nice dinner. The only disturbing thing was seeing Scott drinking only water ;). After a great dinner, we moved on to “the Lass”, the location of the pre-conference…

  • Speaking at PHPNW 09

    Last years speaker schedule was quite nice and this year again the organization has come up with a great list of speakers. The list includes (amongst others) Derick Rethans, Scott MacVicar, Michelangelo van Dam and Lorna Mitchell. I am very much looking forward to attending some of the sessions. My own talk is a brand…

  • Most people know me for my strong tie with the symfony project. Granted, when I was first looking into frameworks, symfony was by far the best and most mature PHP5 MVC framework out there. And at this point in time, I still think symfony is the best solution for the types of websites and web…

  • The history While being at php|tek I got invited to a meeting initiated by the PEAR people on frameworks, and more specifically naming conventions for PHP5.3. Even though I have no official role in the symfony project, I decided to accept because the purpose of the meeting seemed good and if I could somehow contribute…

  • So, on december 1 symfony released the stable version 1.2 of it’s framework. I’ve been digging into it and finding some really good stuff in there (such as the RESTful routing, and the Propel routes). But that’s not all. A bit before the release, Fabien approached me if I wanted to spend some time in…

  • The new version of Symfony has been released. It’s a bugfix release, unfortunately still with no fixes for the bugs I’ve reported. Those that saw my presentation at the Dutch PHP Conference may have noted that I was still running 1.0.1. I’ve now upgraded 😉