PHPDay The first conference I’ll be attending in May is PHPDay in Verona, Italy. The conference takes place on May 12 to May 14, though I won’t arriving until the 13th. The schedule looks amazing, with workshops by Fabien Potencier, Sebastian Bergmann and Paul Borgermans and talks by (amongst others) Kore Nordmann, Tobias Schlitt, Christian…
This first session is Getting Started With Symfony2, the beginner-level training as developed by Sensio. It will get you up and running with Symfony2 in two days. This is a great training for people who have never used symfony, or for people who have experience with symfony 1.*, but want to get a good headstart…
Several of the jobs I’ve had in the past years I’ve come into partially based on my activity in the Open Source world. I’m not saying it’s *only* because my open source contributions, but in both cases it definitely had an impact in the whole process. I can point out some clear examples of why…
I will admit I was a bit anxious before the conference started on whether we would have enough people submitting their talks into the uncon. So on Friday morning we set up the flip over, I wrote down the session times and waited. Soon enough, a couple of people came to check up, and already…
The DPC Uncon is very similar to the uncons found at other PHP conferences. There is little new about this uncon. However, it is a new addition to a conference with such a list of advanced topics that there is no doubt the uncon will also host a variety of interesting topics for people visiting…
It is no secret to people that know me a bit that, despite the fact that I work solely on OSX and Ubuntu, I have some friends in the Microsoft camp. So far though, I never really felt the need or will to start working with things Windows-related myself. When Microsoft announced they’d be running…
Even before the conference had started, lots of fun was to be had. Even though I missed out on it, on wednesday some of the community joined for a tour of a brewery and a BBQ. Even with all that, those who were there apparently were awake enough to make it to the tutorial day…
First of all, I must say that the Dutch PHP Conference schedule is one of the best schedules I’ve seen at a PHP conference so far. At nearly any given time slot there are multiple sessions that are interesting. I also want to mention that even though I recommend these sessions, this does not mean…