Tag: debugging

  • What is the problem?

    What is the problem?

    Sometimes, taking a step back is the best solution. Especially when you are stuck. Here’s some experiences of what can help when stuck on some code.

  • I recently received a bugreport from a client that was very hard to debug: There were only very specific moments where the bug was reproducable, and those moments were usually in the weekend. So I decided to change the date on my Vagrant-boxes for the API and website to last Sunday to try and reproduce…

  • Having initiated the event last year, and it going on to become the success it was last year, I am very happy that my former employer Dutch Open Projects decided to organize SymfonyCamp again this year. The line-up for this year is quite impressive, with not only symfony founder Fabien Potencier there, but also Dustin…

  • I’m not even talking about the unit testing and functional testing setup that Symfony has built in, as I haven’t even had the time to use it (I know, bad bad bad, but sometimes you just can’t do it when the needs for speedy delivery are high). I’m simply talking about the clarity of structure.…