The about 50 attendees of the event started coming in at about 9:45. They had some coffee and were able to chat a bit with eachother and get to know eachother. At about 10:30, I started out with the opening talk, welcoming everyone and telling them what they could expect. After the welcome, Bram Veenhof…
I am quite excited about us organizing this event. This is our first step towards a full-blown conference, and I am proud of the speaker schedule we’re putting together. We have speakers from Microsoft and Adobe who will go into their respective frontend and RIA technologies, Boy Baukema – the javascript expert at Ibuildings –…
I know the difference between various browsers, and I know that using certain approaches in your HTML or CSS usage will probably lead to things breaking in one browser or another, but sometimes, that certain approach is just the best solution there is. I had heard of CSS “frameworks” before but since HTML and CSS…
Yes! Signups are open for the new CSS Reboot! I have just entered this site for the reboot. The design is nearly done, I only need to finish some small details. But I’ll keep you guys in the dark for a while. I promise the colours will be completely different 🙂
Everyone who works with web techniques (specifically markup) and their grandma of course knows about and probably also reads A List Apart. I am definately one of those. Yesterday, a very interesting article was published on splitting up ordered or unordered lists in a semantically correct way using XHTML and CSS. In CSS Swag: Multi-Column…
Marjolein made a new design for her website. And of course, I turned it into HTML. This design uses two stylesheets, one for Internet Explorer, and one for real browsers 😉 . Anyway, A simple browser check is easy in PHP, but we’re also using Nucleus for her weblog, and in the skinning system Nucleus…
Well, we’ve just Rebooted the WebKoffer website. After a few months of black-on-white standard design, we now have a real design up! Over the next week’s, we’ll still be tweaking it a bit, but this’ll give you a good impression of how it’s going to work!
Yesterday, I received an e-mail from a client. Some of the text on their website, that was editted with a rich-text textarea editor, had gotten a different font layout as the rest of the site. Of course, this was not what was supposed to happen. Cause of this, I soon found out, was some markup…