Tag: conferences

  • This talk will focus on the different myths and prejudices that people have against symfony. Symfony is supposed to be slow, extremely coupled and overengineered. To work with symfony you don’t do PHP anymore but only work with YAML configuration files. It’s things like this which I will test during this talk. I will either…

  • The past two editions of the Dutch PHP Conference were a big success, and now it’s time to be part of that success! So start writing that proposal on the topic you know everything of, and submit it for consideration for the Dutch PHP Conference. If you’re a bit unsure of how to write a…

  • Speaking at PHP|Tek

    The Power of Refactoring  I will be revising my refactoring talk again a bit. The base message will remain the same but the execution and order of topics will be changed a bit (no more live coding – live unit test execution stays though) and I’ll be adding a few short things here and there.…

  • Dutch Frontend Special

    I am quite excited about us organizing this event. This is our first step towards a full-blown conference, and I am proud of the speaker schedule we’re putting together. We have speakers from Microsoft and Adobe who will go into their respective frontend and RIA technologies, Boy Baukema – the javascript expert at Ibuildings –…

  • The Power Of Refactoring (PHPNW) View SlideShare presentation or Upload your own. (tags: refactoringphpnw08)

  • My schedule for PHPNW08

    PHPNW08 will differ a bit from a lot of other conferences I’ve been to, in that it’s not a big commercial conference but a community-driven one. Though one could argue that the Dutch PHP Conference has a very community-feel to it, it is still only organized by one commercial organization, where PHPNW is a true…

  • The Power of Refactoring View SlideShare presentation or Upload your own. (tags: refactoringsoftware) The presentation went well, though I talked a bit fast. I did get the message across. I had hardly any questions (but that may also be due to the early time and the OctoberFest party yesterday 😉 ). I will be changing…

  • Speaking at PHPNW 2008

    Last tuesday at the dutch PHP Usergroup meeting I did this talk the first time, and even though I’m not completely happy with it, most of it went well. I will also do the same presentation at International PHP Conference in Mainz at the end of october, but for those that can not make it…

  • A good day

    Symfony Today and yesterday as well I have been in Paris. I have been attending a symfony training there. As I am already experienced in the framework, I was able to help a bit with helping the other attendees. It was a nice experience, and I hope in The Netherlands we can also do symfony…

  • Debugging With Symfony View SlideShare presentation or Upload your own. (tags: phpsymfonycamp2008) My presentation went OK, even though I had the idea I perhaps spoke a bit too fast. This idea was confirmed by the fact that I finished too early. Not that that was such a big problem, because we were running a bit…