Tag: conferences

  • The DPC Uncon

    The DPC Uncon is very similar to the uncons found at other PHP conferences. There is little new about this uncon. However, it is a new addition to a conference with such a list of advanced topics that there is no doubt the uncon will also host a variety of interesting topics for people visiting…

  • In the past years the event has been amazing and I have a full trust that this year won’t be any different. With speakers such as Paul Borgermans, Mike van Riel, Christian Heilmann, Jan-Willem Eshuis, Mihai Corlan, Harrie Verveer, Bram Veenhof and many more on topics such as Database Control, Scrum, Flex, Dependency Injection and…

  • I think the idea started years ago. In the orinal Dutch PHP usergroup, we discussed it, but we never did it. Lack of manpower to pull it off, but I guess also a lack of willpower to want to pull it off. About 1.5 years ago, PHPBelgium truely kicked off and since they were already…

  • Change My colleague Mike already posted about 2010 being a year of change for him and I feel similar in some respect. Some things have recently changed and I’m already quite happy with the changes so I’m sticking with them this year. It’s a change in toolset for some of my tools, and more might be following.…

  • 2009

    January The year started well for our dutch usergroup with the “Frontend Special“. A great event which, looking back, was probably a practice event for our PHPBenelux Conference which we’re organizing end of this month. It was also the month where I was really excited to announce that I’d be speaking at PHP|tek as well as PHP UK Conference. And,…

  • PHPBenelux Conference 2010

    This is the first time we’re doing a conference of this size, but definitely not the last time. And it’s exciting already. We have already announced our first speaker: David Zuelke will be speaking about the state of SOAP in PHP. Aside from that, we have 9 other excellent speakers that will be announced in…

  • PHPNW09: Nearly perfect

    I arrived on friday night and was picked up by Bittarman from the airport. He brought me to the speakers dinner where I joined for a very nice dinner. The only disturbing thing was seeing Scott drinking only water ;). After a great dinner, we moved on to “the Lass”, the location of the pre-conference…

  • Speaking at PHPNW 09

    Last years speaker schedule was quite nice and this year again the organization has come up with a great list of speakers. The list includes (amongst others) Derick Rethans, Scott MacVicar, Michelangelo van Dam and Lorna Mitchell. I am very much looking forward to attending some of the sessions. My own talk is a brand…

  • symfonyDay Cologne 2009

    My trip started on thursday night, when I boarded the ICE to Cologne from Utrecht. Now, the ICE is a great way to travel as I’ve experienced before and this was no exception. I was able to work on my workshop a bit more, and before I knew it I arrived in Cologne. There I…

  • Even before the conference had started, lots of fun was to be had. Even though I missed out on it, on wednesday some of the community joined for a tour of a brewery and a BBQ. Even with all that, those who were there apparently were awake enough to make it to the tutorial day…