Tag: certification

  • Mental Health First Aid

    Mental Health First Aid

    For years I’ve now wanted to do the Mental Health First Aid training, and this year I decided to finally go fot it. Here’s some things I learned and why I would recommend more people attend this course.

  • The certificate is in!

  • Zend PHP5 Certified

    I was not really nervous before the exam, but for some reason during the exam the nerves played up anyway. This wasn’t really triggered by the questions though, because even though they were sometimes quite tricky and required reading over them two or three times to ensure you’ve understood things correctly, mostly it was common…

  • Zend Certification for all!

    One of the things I’ve been trying to accomplish while working for Dutch Open Projects is to get all our developers Zend Certified. Today, we put the first real step on the road to this goal for the first three developers by getting the nicely priced bundle for three of our developers: Two juniors and…