I don’t know if it matters that I’m the son of two teachers, but training is in my DNA, knowledge sharing is in my DNA. From the moment I started learning PHP based on a book and scripts I downloaded from the Internet, I’ve tried to help other people who ran into issues that I might have the solution for. I was involved in the founding of the Dutch PHP Usergroup and later PHPBenelux, and local usergroups like PHPAmersfoort and PHP.FRL.

When I started working for Dutch Open Projects, we started organizing events there. First PHPCamp and later SymfonyCamp. I did my first conference talk at Dutch PHP Conference on Symfony, and have since then delivered talks and workshops at several conferences including SymfonyDay Cologne, Dutch PHP Conference and more. We’ve done in-house training courses from Ingewikkeld at several companies in The Netherlands and even outside of The Netherlands.

Mike, Marjolein and I were brainstorming about Ingewikkeld and what direction to take, and training popped up as something we could take some steps in. So we did. We partnered up with the fantastic In2it and started Ingewikkeld Trainingen. Our next step in offering training courses to companies. With topics such as Symfony, Laravel, Docker/Kubernetes and Git, I think we’re offering a solid base for many development teams.

One of the courses we’re offering is the Symfony and DDD in practice course that I’m also doing at SymfonyCon. It was sold out earlier but they were able to squeeze in a few extra seats (so grab those tickets there if you want to attend at SymfonyCon). If you can’t or don’t want to attend at SymfonyCon, you can also book this course as on-site training for your team. Get in touch with us if you’re interested in that!

If you had a look at our offering but you can’t find what you’re looking for, then do get in touch with us! We’d love to discuss your needs and see if we can do a custom course for your team!

I’m really, really excited about this next step in our training offering.

One response to “Expanding on our training offering”

  1. […] andere kant scheelt het ook flink wat kopzorgen. We besloten back to basic te gaan met ons bedrijf: Software ontwikkeling en training is nu het enige waar we ons op richten. En dat is stiekem best even […]

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