I really liked the idea of a static site generator. I still the idea of a static site generator, to be honest. However, writing purely in Markdown and having to go through some stuff to publish a new post became a bit of a hassle. So I wanted to go for a dynamic CMS again. My initial idea was to build the site in Bolt, as I love that CMS and the flexibility it offers. I even started on that, but ended up finding I did not enjoy myself while buildings. That made me decide that perhaps I should actually go for WordPress. It works, I have a hosting provider with an easy installer, it has tons of plugins if I want something specific, and… I’ve come to enjoy the new editor on one of my other sites.
Now, the migration was not easy. I started looking for ways to automatically import all my Markdown files. There was a plugin, I couldn’t figure it out. It became a chore. I quit. I gave up.
I ended up doing a manual migration. I combined the migration with a bit of a clean-up. I removed some articles, added some additional tags to some articles, etc. It was also a nice moment of reflection. Over the years I did a lot of different things. I made some mistakes, or no, I grew. I understand now why some of the opinions I used to have might not have been the best.
And now it’s up
So far I’m happy. I have a CMS again. I can easily write and update posts from wherever I have access to my password manager. After all the different CMS’es I’ve had, I wonder how long WordPress will last me. Should be at least a couple of years, looking at my track record of Pivot, Textpattern, Octopress and Sculpin (and possible others) that I’ve used in the past,
Welcome to the new skoop.dev!
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