Day 3 brought change. As I mentioned yesterday some of the personal goals that were set during the individual conversations with my team members affected the work we were doing. This meant, for instance, that Jasper took a more leading role within the team, and Kanban was being implemented for a better view on our progress.
There was also some discussion on functionality and focus, as the team members were realizing they were affected by scope creep. So the minimal requirements were defined more strictly and for all the “fluff” extra post-its were added to the Kanban board. The board now also had a split: The top of the board contained all the features that were really needed, and the bottom contained the nice-to-haves. There was even a small corner of the board dedicated to “super-bling”.
The team became more and more of an actual team, with lots of discussions and a lot of pairing and helping eachother. This was great to actually watch and see it happen.
The goal that was set in the morning was to finish the minimum viable product, and the team worked really hard to reach this goal, working until very late in the night. When I left the team at about 11PM they were still at it, and from what I hear they worked until after midnight even. The goal wasn’t fully reached, but we’re close.
Today will be an interesting day, because the MVP needs to be finished, but there’s also the Pragmatist Survival Game and the Enrise BBQ. I’m very much looking forward to seeing what will happen today, and I’ll share with you tomorrow.
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