The trip will be a very quick trip. I will fly out tomorrow evening, land in Katowice (1.5 hours from Krakow, as I have understood) at 21:30. I will attempt to sleep in the hotel, and then get up early as I’m on second in the Dedicated Languages track (after Ibuildings CTO and overall cool guy Ivo Jansch) to do my refactoring talk.
My refactoring talk will be a slightly adapted version of the earlier refactoring talks I did. It will still contain PHP code examples, but will also ensure people know that this practice is not limited to PHP only, but will work in any language when done properly.
After my talk, I’ll have a few hours to talk to people before having to leave again for my late afternoon flight back home. I am a bit sad about not having time to explore Krakow and surrounding areas, however having done PHP UK Conference last weekend and being in Rome for PHPCon Italia in two weeks time, I didn’t feel like being away from my wife and kids for too long.
If you’re from Poland (or just living there) feel free to come over to 4developers on saturday. It will be fun, I promise 🙂
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