Obviously I’ll try to visit the keynote, and I should, really, because the keynote by Aral Balkan sounds interesting enough. After the keynote, I’ll be wanting to visit David Soria Parra’s talk on Sharding Architectures. Having been seriously introduced to a sharding architecture last year in a project, but not seriously exposed to the details of that architecture, I really want to see what it is all about.

After that I want to check out David Axmark’s Drizzle talk. I’ve not given Drizzle a serious look yet, and I want to know more. A perfect opportunity to get it from the source.

The first timeslot after lunch will be the hardest to choose from, and I haven’t made this decision yet. On the one hand, I’ve not seen Stuart Herbert’s talk Living with Frameworks yet and I really would like to see it, having a pretty serious framework background 😉 but on the other hand, having talked to Hank Janssen before about PHP and Windows, I already am quite curious on what Hank has to say. I’ll probably decide then and there during lunch which one it will be.

After that is my timeslot. I am luckily programmed against Mihai Corlan’s Flex talk, which I’ve seen already at the Frontend Special of the Dutch PHP usergroup. That means I won’t miss something… I already have the information 😉

In the last slot, I am aiming for attending Chris Shiflett’s Security Centered Design talk. It sounds like a nice talk and is definately a topic I’m interested in. 

Overall, PHP London have been able to select a top schedule with awesome speakers and a nice list of topics covered. I’m very much looking forward to it!

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