With the worldwide growth of symfony, The Netherlands has not stayed behind. Usage in the Netherlands has grown, and with bigger sites like Dutch Cowboys and Kliknieuws moving to a symfony platform, I think symfony is starting to prove it’s worth in the dutch web application world.

But with bigger sites moving to the platform, those are also proving the point I was trying to make with symfony-framework.nl: symfony *is* a platform that you can use for your applications. And with a growing number of developers using symfony in The Netherlands, it’s not just advocacy that is needed, but also a central place for the community to hang out.

Which is why I started working on the next version of the site. Instead of a static one-way communication of reasons to use symfony and news, the site now offers more options for the community to interact. Besides the fact that you can now comment on newsitems, a new forum has opened, where you can ask questions (or help others), but also post job openings.

So I hereby want to invite all the dutch developers using symfony to come by and have a look. And of course, offer feedback and give input on new features you’d like to see. This is definitely not the last update of the site 😉

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