Looking back at 2007 a bit


In January I still worked for Dutch Open Projects, yet it became apparent that the project I was mainly working on might become it’s own company . It ended up not happening, or at least not while I was employed there, but it was something important for me back then.


Something that, for me, started in 200, was the symfony framework. In february, this framework reached it’s stable 1.0 version . A nice milestone for the project, even though the framework had been stable enough for quite a while already to work with it.


March saw a milestone for an old project of me. TomTom HOME reached the milestone of 1 million registered users . As one of the developers that was working on this project at the very start, this made me quite proud.


April saw the launch of the symfony-powered version 4.0 of the Jongeren in Beeld application, the application that got most of my professional attention during my time at Dutch Open Projects.


For me, the month of May was very much focussed on organizing the PHP Bootcamp event (June 2nd). Symfony, Zend Framework and Joomla! 1.5 framework were the focus of that event. 


June was busy. Aside from the earlier mentioned PHP Bootcamp , it was also the month in which I did a presentation at a big conference for the first time. I also started doing consultancy next to (lead) development. And, also very important, we could finally announce that we were going to have a baby daughter


July was a silent month for me. I just announced the upcoming SymfonyCamp .


August was loaded with work on SymfonyCamp, yet silent here on my weblog. I did post about a nice trick for symfony


SymfonyCamp was the big thing for september. It was a great event, and I met a lot of cool people. I also posted about how we were approaching Agile development , and there was some attention for a bugfix in PHP 5.2.4 that was causing problems with symfony (or actually, Propel).


October saw the launch of two private projects. First of all, a dutch symfony advocating site: symfony-framework.nl . Second of all, the new symfony-powered Left on the Web was launched.


November marked another big change in my life. I left Dutch Open Projects, to start at Ibuildings.nl . Quite a big change, but so far I can say it has been a change for the better. Together with my wife, I also launched Symfony Lounge for Second Life . And also, I finally saw the css light by using YUI


December was a cool month. The Symfony sprint took place , a day focussed on getting symfony further ahead. It was a huge success, even though my biggest contribution has yet to be finished 😉 And also I passed my Zend certification exam , making me a PHP5 certified developer.  

Next year

For next year, I see more cool things coming up. The Dutch PHP Conference will again have some symfony touch, and together with Ibuildings.nl I definitely hope to get symfony bigger in the Netherlands. I already know that in April I will be doing a presentation on symfony for the dutch linux usergroup (NLLGG). On the private side, the daughter I mentioned earlier is yet to show her face (any time now!), so that will undoubtedly change my life. Enough to look forward to, that is for sure! 

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